Managed Services: Battery Test & Replace for Public Safety

Critical mobile communications save lives. Mobile communications rely on batteries. You can rely on our Battery Test & Replace for Public Safety.

For over 20 years GTS has provided mobile power solutions to public safety, military, and government organizations just like yours. Today we would like to introduce you to Test & Replace for Public Safety, a ground-breaking, free service that would allow you to:

  • Increase LMR Reliability
  • Save Service Time
  • Enhance Understanding and Planning

How can we do this?

Bad batteries disrupt your critical, life-saving mobile operations and, until now, it has been impossible to identify and remove them from your facilities.

Our innovative GTS Tester and Mobile App allow your team, or GTS, to easily and efficiently diagnose, remove, and replace bad batteries in a matter of seconds, at any location. It’s time to eliminate bad battery failures and increase your mobile reliability.

Contact Us Today!

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    GTS Test & Replace™ Technical Support: +1 (866) 851-9784
    GTS Sales Support/Inquiries: +1 (800) 267-2711
    GTS Test & Replace™ Support Email: trsupport@gtspower.com

    recycle arrows

     All GTS Managed Services Include Free Recycling